Recent content by Cain777

  1. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Good to know - thanks guys. I'm placing the order today - exciting times :) thanks for your help and insight, cheers
  2. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    One last thing... does anyone here know if you can opt out of having the PC Specialist branding/badge put on the front of the case? I love how the Fractal North case looks as is without any logos (fickle I know!).
  3. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Hi - yep, they're VST plugins that run only on the UAD SHARC processors. Like you said, dates back to when cpus needed all the help they could get. They've ported some of them over so you can run them native without the cards (can share them with my macs etc much nicer workflow!) but...
  4. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Cheers for the reply. Yeah the UAD issue is a bit annoying, won't be buying any new plugins from them (unless they're native) and hoping that eventually I can ditch the cards. So I think this might the build I'm going for. Basically what you said but slightly downgrading the data drive to...
  5. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Hi all, sorry about the confusion - I'm referring to Universal Audio Quad PCIe DSP cards ( ). I understand the points regarding modern CPU power but I have a rather large collection of UA plugins that aren't yet native so rely on a working...
  6. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Thanks so much for the quick reply. I've now done some more AMD research and unfortunately it looks like there's a good chance that my UAD Quads cards aren't compatible with Ryzen CPUs :( So I might have to go with Intel after all which is a shame as that CPU sounded like a good fit in terms...
  7. C

    PCSPECIALIST Primary use:Audio/DAW / Secondary use: Games/Video Editing

    Hi all, Looking at updating my home studio desktop PC. Budget is £1500. Couple of extra notes, this is mainly for heavy audio/DAW work but I also use it as my main gaming machine (albeit casual HD gaming, by no means after cutting edge, I'm still playing quite a lot of older games tbh!). I...