Recent content by dontsimon

  1. D


    These two laptops, at the exact same specs, are £93 difference in cost - in favour of the UltraNote III. In fact the UltraNote even appears to have a superior gfx card. Even if I upgrade the CPU on the UltraNote (I7 instead of I5) the UltraNote is still cheaper. Is there any reason not to get...
  2. D

    PCSPECIALIST Please give the higher standard thermal paste as an option

    At present you only get the option of the Arctic cooling MX3 if you choose the overclocked variant of a PC. Why can't you offer the choice of the better thermal paste on the standard builds? Still charge the extra of course, and it gives the customer the choice of having better cooling if they...
  3. D

    PCSPECIALIST Sandy Bridge Systems

    How soon after release will you have Sandy Bridge systems available? I assume it must take a while for you to work out / try different configs to find the most suitable components? Ideal systems surely don't come together straight away. Or do system builders get pre release examples to try out...
  4. D

    PCSPECIALIST Pricing changes

    Disregarding the VAT hike, are prices here likely to go up / down / or stay as they are in the near future / new year? Do you have a new year sale maybe? Is new tech likely to alter prices?? Just trying to gauge when they best time to buy, between now and early next year, would be.
  5. D

    PCSPECIALIST Warranty Question

    I have a question about terms and conditions point 7.14. 7.14. Will I void my warranty if I open the case and install my own components? Unlike with most computer manufacturers, we allow you to open your case and install your own components without voiding your warranty providing that: *...
  6. D


    Howdy Will the VAT increase come into effect here on 1st January prompt? Just wondering when would be the absolute latest time to make an order pre increase?? I know it sounds obvious - 31st Dec, but just thought I'd double check. EDIT - I actually think the increase happens on Jan 4th.
  7. D

    PCSPECIALIST Arctic MX-3 on overclocked systems

    Don't you think £9 for what is essentilly a grain of rice sized blob of paste is a bit much? I'd think not charging at all would be a nice gesture. It's only like £6 for a whole tube. As it is, £9 is a bit of a p-take.
  8. D

    PCSPECIALIST Overclocking vs Turbo Boost

    When you buy an OC'd PC is the Turbo Boost disabled? (on CPUs which feature it of course)