How is Tongfang compared to Clevo in terms of reliability, build, software ?
My current laptop is Defiance which I bought in 2015. Been using it almost every day since purchase and never had any issues. Never repasted or cleaned inside. Absolutely indestructible machine. Maybe I am lucky...
Well basically my plan is buy top desktop in year 2023 to play future games like Starfield, TES 6, etc. By this time hopefully RTX 5700 wil be ready haha. Until then I need something moderately powerful to play mainly older games from my backlog plus some new releases such as COH 3 and WH2 which...
Hello everyone
Which laptop among 15.6 range will make less noise and will be less hot. I do understand that it depends on GPU and CPU. For example, will Defiance with 3060 be better then Destian with 3060 ? Or Elimina with 3050? Or moving to bigger chassis 17,3 is better?
Another question...
I ordered Defiance II with Core i7 6700HQ and Geforce 970M. Will I receive three games from Intel promo(CS:GO, JC3, Warships) and one from Nvidia (Blades and guns promo)?