Being the impatient so and so that I am, I plumped for the 5 day turn around on my new laptop after I saw that PCS were that busy that it my new system wouldn't arrive till after my birthday.
So here I am with a spiffy new Optimus V (17")
Quad core, 4gb ram being the key shout out's.
In a...
Just had a new Optimus V delivered with a 320GB hard drive
I asked for it to be partitioned with 100gb put aside for general data (Windows etc...) and the remaining 220gb for games etc...
I can only see the 100gb data drive, there is no sign of the remaining 220gb when I've gone looking.
Hi experts
I have an ancient Acer Aspire laptop which I'm feeling is due a renewal.
I have a budget of around £800 (would like to spend less if possible) and I'm looking to put together a system that will be able to play Guild Wars 2 at a better setting than absolute minimum as I have it...