F F Freeley Jan 18, 2012 No worries am waiting for them to get back to me. Are the mods not about any more then? They were always good with this sort of thing.
No worries am waiting for them to get back to me. Are the mods not about any more then? They were always good with this sort of thing.
vanthus Jan 18, 2012 Hi,freeley,sorry but my knowledge is a bit limited on this one, best phone tech support so they can talk you through it,good luck.
Hi,freeley,sorry but my knowledge is a bit limited on this one, best phone tech support so they can talk you through it,good luck.
C C colour Mar 6, 2011 Thanks for the Rep. I'll chime in from time to time & when I have the time, to offer a few ideas.
Sleinous Jan 12, 2011 Edited post, refresh Thought for a sec it was you asking hehe but no teh OP hasnt returned yet :/