Anyone playing? Never played the first one but the new one is on Steam (alpha) and plays really well - lots of fun.
My steam name is Jedi Lard Master - let me know if you want to connect!
Hi All
I have the 980m Defiance 15" laptop and when I ordered it I did without any speedy hard drives, using my old Intel SSD (has read/write speeds of around 150). In the next month I should have enough dosh for a hard drive upgrade and seems the m.2 drive would give be both extra storage and...
2010/2011 was the last time I bought a laptop and it was a Clevo though from another (now bust) company. After a long innings the recent games coming out finally had the better of the 285m GTX - it's just couldn't play them. So after the normal research I ordered and received a Defiance just...