Recent content by MangoMan

  1. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    With what you said in mind, I would say the spec that TonyCarter posted (with the 4080 graphics card). Although with my monitors staying as they are I'm not sure if there are any other components that would be deemed 'excessive'?
  2. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    Ah ok - so its the opportunity cost. With that in mind then happy to go with the cheaper rig and just play on 1080p max. If I then decided I want to play a game that benefits from higher res I'll do the necessary upgrades.
  3. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    When you 'needs' downgrading, can I not have the higher GPU 'just in case' and then upgrade the monior if I want to run higher res games? Or is the GPU literally too powerful for the monitor? Apologies if stupid question !
  4. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    Thanks for the taking the time. I'll be looking up this 'closed loop' system now !
  5. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    I think about 3.3k top whack. But if I can get a good rig for under 3 then I'd be chuffed. Appreciate your help !
  6. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    Thanks for the response. I thought it looked cool and read that it would improve component life. I didn't realise it required the maintanence though !
  7. M

    PCSPECIALIST Am I overdoing it?

    Typical tale, lifetime casual console gamer but finally decided to take the plunge. I'm about as naive as they come, despite doing bits of research I still feel like I'm chasing my tail a bit. Use case will primarily be Counter-Strike 2 (which from what I understand isn't that demanding), with...