Recent content by Muadebe

  1. M


    Hi, When will the new ivy bridge cpu's (hoping they will) be added to the options? Will any of the new 7000 series gpu's (specifically the 7850) be added to the available options? I have a bit of time to wait yet and I've been going mad with all the different configurations available but in...
  2. M


    Hi all, I will purchasing an HTPC within the next month or two as I need something to fit under the TV. I currently have a Mac Mini but I want something with a bit of grunt under the hood so to speak. Currently have a dilemma as to which CPU to opt for (posted in Mini PC's section).
  3. M


    Hi, I am looking at getting an HTPC (to fit under the TV) my dilemma is choice of CPU and GPU. The rest of the components are identical. I will only really be playing WoW, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2. The two choices are : 1) A8-3870k with 560Ti or 2) i3 2130 with 6870 Both come out at same...