Recent content by Sparky_Sct

  1. Sparky_Sct

    PCSPECIALIST A GTX 1080 and i5 7600K Config.

    A GTX 1080 and i5 7600K Configuration. Hi, I was hoping for some help with this config I have, I want to make sure this is a good configuration and that the system will be balanced. Case PCS SR-620 MID TOWER CASE...
  2. Sparky_Sct

    PCSPECIALIST New gaming PC around £900-£1000

    Gaming PC Configuration around £900-£1000 So I went and configured a PC at about £900, I can go up to about £1200 but I want to know if I can get it lower then that so as I can buy a 144Hz monitor, so is this a balanced configuration? Case PCS ENIGMA 6003B BLACK CASE Processor (CPU) Intel®...
  3. Sparky_Sct

    PCSPECIALIST £1000 Gaming Rig Build

    I have been looking to get a gaming PC around £1000, I am unsure about what kind of specs to go for. What I do know is I would like to go for a GTX 1070. If someone could help that would be great!