Recent content by Zredarb

  1. Z

    PCSPECIALIST New machine

    Hey guys, So I'm in desperate need of a new machine, as my current machine (from PC Specialists) has just turned 7 years old! I will be using the machine for gaming mainly, looking to get as much bang for buck as I can around £2K. I've had the below build off a couple of friends, but wondered...
  2. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Huge mistake, will pcspecialists be able to help?

    Hi, So as i was gutted about on a different thread, I have made a huge cock up on my order. I collected my PC today and was over the moon to finally have it After about 5 mins when i tried to conect to my wireless network it suddenly dawned on me. I hadn't got a wireless card. This error...
  3. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Hug rookie error.... Giving you all some lol..

    So, My machine arrived today couldnt wait to get going on it.. After playing about for a while I was like, where is my wireless, OH ****. Because I was playing with the spec so much on my final order i didnt include wireless card. Now I cannto connect to the internet. Fail. Will have to give...
  4. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Iiyama or Asus monitor?

    Yo, Quick question equally specced Iiyama and Asus monitor, The Asus is a bit cheaper but heard real good things about Iiyama monitors, worth the few extra quid or do Asus make monitors as well as their motherboards? Cheers for help!
  5. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Just ordered, finally..

    So after much deliberation and help from you guys I have finally just ordered my new rig :) Will keep you updated on when I get it and how it is! Case COOLERMASTER CM690 MKII ADVANCED CASE Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™i5-2500 Quad Core (3.30GHz, 6MB Cache) + HD Graphics Motherboard ASUS®...
  6. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Hi! Fresh blood here...

    Hey, so I'm Brad. Always been fairly interested in computing but recently developed a real interest! I do game a lot and just generally enjoy working with computers and learning about them. I'm currently selling laptops and TV's for an online retailer so I can spill away about computers a fair...
  7. Z

    PCSPECIALIST In serious need of help for desktop spec!

    So where to begin?! I originally was after a laptop but realised I didnt need one at all and I am now after a desktop. I did have a laptop spec i was happy with and almost ordered which came in at around £750, heres the link to that thread...
  8. Z

    PCSPECIALIST Help on my final spec please!

    Hey, Im looking to ordr my laptop this afternoon. After much deliberation i think i have come up with an optimus 15 spec that is the best suited for me. My budget is around 700-750 mark, the machine will be used for gaming and watching films. I just want to see what you guys think of the...
  9. Z

    PCSPECIALIST What do you think to this spec please?

    Hey, Looking to order a machine tomorrow. I decided worth spending the extra on the optimusII chassis over the enigmaIII. I just need some help no wmaking sure my spec looks okay. My budget is sort of £700-800 but keeping it lower the better. Can you see anything at all wrong with the spec I...