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  1. M

    PCSPECIALIST SC2 mouse issue

    hey guys ive installed SC2 and the suggested settings for my pc are ULTRA (ow yeah :D haha) the only issue is that sometimes in game my mouse becomes unresponsive as in it gets slow at points or clicks take more than usual to register in game. i know its not the actual mouse i have problem as it...
  2. M

    PCSPECIALIST I want to thank

    i would just like to thank the team at PCS for my pc, arrived today!!! (woop woop) looks great and works right out the box. THANK YOU ALSO: i called the tech help team about my internet connection as it wasnt picking up anything. the dude on the phone was straight in with suggestions and help...
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    PCSPECIALIST Order status

    is my PC goes into dispactched today, does that mean it will be delivered today aswell? it went into awaiting dispatch this morning at like half 9 i think. thanks for ya help :D
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    PCSPECIALIST QC time scale

    hey guys, my pc went into QC last thursday (19/05/11) and was still in there day after (friday). im wondering on monday (23/05/11) it really should come out of that and hope fully be delivered the same day. is this likely to occur in u guys experience??? thanks.
  5. M

    PCSPECIALIST delivery

    simply question: do PCS deliver on saturdays or is it just mon-fri??
  6. M


    ima bit confused and i thought FORUMS!!! :D so ive got this monitor: which has a head phone jack in the side (useful). ive got it connected to my PS3 and sky box both connected through HDMI. monitor only has 1 HDMI port so i use a HDMI...
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    PCSPECIALIST If all goes well

    ive ordered my pc and processing started on the 10-05-11. if all goes well i should hopefully get it by the 24/25-05-11 but im thinking that it will take longer for some reason............. IM NOT VERY PATIENT :turned:
  8. M


    can hitachi refuse the finance option after saying yes to it through the online application and even after sending out the agreement for me to sign and send back?? if they can why would they apart from fraud of course. thanks alot for feedback