So it seems like a few people are having troubles updating AMD drivers right now? I am too, there always failing to install a certain package or corrupted no matter how thorough I am with uninstalling the previous driver. Seems like it's just a recent development as well. Just wanted to start a...
Hi, I have a Vortex IV laptop with the i7 processor, 8 gig RAM and an AMD 8970m gpu.
Been having a lot of troubles. The machine shipped with faulty RAM which was fixed. However there are just so many crashes on different applications it's a real downer after spending so much money on the...
Hi, I've posted a few threads here but I'm continuing to have problems, just wondering if anyone has any advice.
My Vortex IV with an AMD 8970m has very frequent crashes. I mention the graphics card because it's always in game and a lot of the time it's when the graphics card first kicks in(at...
Hi. So I ordered a Vortex IV laptop from PCSpecialist however when it arrived it had some problems. At first it seemed brilliant and it was playing all the games I threw at it with great results. However I started to notice frequent crashes in high intensity ones. 8970m card and I was using the...