Hey there,
Three weeks ago I got a Ultranote V which will not be mine, but a friend's:
Chassis & Display: UltraNote Series: 14" Matte Full HD 60 Hz 45% NTSC LED Widescreen (1920x1080)
Processor (CPU): Intel® Pentium® Quad Core Processor N5030 (1.10GHz, 3.1GHz Turbo)
Memory (RAM): 8GB DDR4...
Hi all,
since the day Windows 10 came to the market I am working on Linux. Because I'm administrating a bunch of Debian machines with Old-Stable (9 - Jessie) and Stable (10 - Buster) my first choice is using Debian Buster on my notebook, too. So I was looking around for a new notebook since...