Howdy gents, thanks a million for all of the replies so far :)
Update: Unfortunately BIOS does not show even on another monitor using Displayport and including a third monitor connected by HDMI - No output whatsoever.
I've just noticed that my keyboard and mouse don't get any power from the...
That's a good shout - I've never had issues with my monitor showing BIOS on my previous PC but when I get home after work, i'll chuck a different monitor on to see if that yields any further results, then shout with an update back here :)
Hi all :)
I've only had my new PC several weeks and it has been working flawlessly until now!
Just yesterday I attempted to boot my PC - All RGB lights came on (Nothing seems to be missing) however the PC does not even get to the boot screen - There is a red flashing light labelled 'CPU' on my...