14" Ulranote


Multiverse Poster
Wow, the quality of the chassis you got seems pretty poor. Really hope you can get it sorted, I assume you didn't go for the death pixel guarantee?


Nope didn't go for the dead pixel guarantee, Never experienced a dead pixel before on anything and I thought if i got one it wouldn't be that big of an issue.

Received the laptop after waiting for about a month and opened it up, switched it on and there was one glaring at me. Now I don't think dead pixel guarantee is for out of the box as in my eyes it was a faulty product sent from the manufacturer and hadn't been checked properly. I even offered to drop it off at there's so it could be changed but they just didn't care. Said it was my fault for not taking out dead pixel insurance so I was miffed from the word go really


Multiverse Poster
Some dead pixels are allowed for screens and to get peace of mind some take the dead pixel guarantee. I believe there is more information regarding dead pixels when you click on the interrogation sign when choosing the dead pixel guarantee.


Some dead pixels are allowed for screens and to get peace of mind some take the dead pixel guarantee. I believe there is more information regarding dead pixels when you click on the interrogation sign when choosing the dead pixel guarantee.

Yes I know some dead pixels are allowed. When I emailed them they said that if one had been found during testing then the screen would have been replaced for another unit. So can a pixel die in transit? I don't know honestly! I have researched it and the only explanation I can see is that it has to of happened the first time I turned it on. As said I have pictures dated the date it was delivered and when i opened it up. Maybe it was just a one off thing that happened when i turned it on but just seems a little convenient.


Author Level
Yeah i used to work in TV Sales and generally there is a rule that one dead pixel does not warrant the return of a screen. There needs to be X amount of pixels covering an X% of the screen. Manufacturers during there training days would actually admit that the chances of getting a screen without a single dead pixel was slim. (I wont name names SONY, COUGH, SAMSUNG, COUGH SHARP, COUGH COUGH :))

You've no idea how much hastle this caused, we had customers dumping there teles back in the shop demanding replacements and refunds.

My opinion is that that is fine... for TV's that you are sitting x amount of feet from but it becomes a problem when your using a laptop of a desktop monitor because we sit right in front of them.

Back to your problem the flimsy design of your laptop seems like a major problem in comparison to the dead pixel. I am honestly shocked that that laptop is even sold. If that is infact the final product i would love to hear the clevo sales pitch for justifying that.

Don't think i'll be using it when recommending any specifications.


Why haven't you returned it as a result of the chassis being in such poor condition after so little time?
They were willing to replace/upgrade someone's laptop just because an LED was unclipped in transit, never mind the entire case bending.


That looks shocking. Fair play for making that video and for not naming/shaming PCS. I hope PCS watch this and sort it our for you.

Watching your clip that machine is not fit for purpose. My 3 year old 12" netbook used every day is still in remarkable condition. Having that level of wear (especially on the tracker pad) after 6 months of light use is inexcusable.

The dead pixel is annoying but I'd like to think that, looking at the state of your whole laptop, PCS will swap it for a new one (which may well deteriorate to the same state in another 6 months) or better yet fully reimburse you.

Good luck!