4th gen vs 5th gen Intel Core CPU's


Looking at the list of laptops offered, there are just two models with 5th gen CPU's: Genesis V and Lafite

Is that just because 5th gen is newer or that 4th gen is generally "better" for laptops? If so, in what way better? Or some other reason?


Superhero Level Poster
The 5th gen is better because its newer, basically.

it uses less juice for about the same performance resulting in better battery life for laptops. The fact some other chassis only have the 4th gen isn't because the 4th gen is better but because the 5th gen is only a recent launch and the chassis will need to be updated to cope with it.


Thanks for your helpful prompt response.

Do you know when other chassis are likely to be available? I'm interested in a 5th gen one but would like a backlit keyboard. The few reviews I have found of the Genesis V are generally good but two are negative about the keyboard.


Superhero Level Poster
Some of the chassis will be updated by the end of the month, last I heard anyway.
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