Adding own hardware - invalidates Warranty?

IanFinney 722

New member
If after purchase I add another internal drive, does this invalidate my 3 year warranty plan? Also, can I specify another brand of free antivirus to be pre-installed? Thanks in advance.


The Awesome
If after purchase I add another internal drive, does this invalidate my 3 year warranty plan?
As long as you don't damage (and it doesn't either) anything in the process of installing it your warranty will still be fine

Also, can I specify another brand of free antivirus to be pre-installed? Thanks in advance.
They will not install any software that has not been bought/got with the PC - like the OS, specified anti-virus, Microsoft 365 trial etc.
Though note in most cases Windows Defender will do perfectly fine, a lot (including me) use that and anti-malwarebytes and have no issues


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In case you’re wondering, it’s a normal PC, you’re free to install anything you want on it yourself.