All in One Printer with good quality photo printing


Im looking for a Printer that is All in One and also prints good quality Photos, My current HP Printer has packed up, people have mentioned that Cannon and Kodak are good, but Kodak seem to have vanished all together anyway?

Please Help?


Life Serving
my parents have a kodak printer, I'll dig out the name.

Its pretty nifty, prints via wifi n works pretty well.


Prolific Poster
I've always used Epson all-in-ones, I've currently got a pretty cheap SX130 series and it does what we need.


Rising Star
I've an Epson also, it's an SX445W and I seem to recall it wasn't too bad in price. It's not really fast at printing certain things (namely things that are smaller with a fair bit of detail. My tablet seems to send prints as that, even when considerably larger on screen), but not too bad, and the WiFi feature is really helpful since the desktop it's used for doesn't really have any space for it, so it's in my room.

I got half-full cartridges and discount off of the first full refills for getting it. But the one Tom is mentioning could be a good one to go with, being Kodak and all.

Bu not sure if mine is all in one, (not sure if AIO'S include being a fax machine or anything else? :D) though if not, it does scan also, atleast.