hey all just registered as need some advise, i only have a budget of £1,560 as ill be hoping to pay £30 a week for a year. i really want a i7 pc for the reason of its new and thats about it really, i have no idea about i7 whatsoever iv hurd about the 8 threading and all that but dont understand any of it. as with the AMD build i'm used to AMD as got 2 amd prebuilt gaming computers abot 3 years ago for like £500 an only ever really got into gaming, nothing else really interest me. so if some1 can find me a i7 build that is better then the:
AMD PNENOM II x470 with the GEFORCE gtx560 ti. coz at least i have used amd but only with lower models and the phenom 3.2 my m8 has and i have used but only with old ati video card, and run games poorly... iv chose the 470 and 560 as there is loads of videos of people running games at very high spec recording there screen and still perfect fps....and there all build that have lower models of the same graphics card. im used to counterstrike and call of duty 1&uo,2 and 4 but now havnt been into pc for a few years everything upgraded round me...now have a full time job really want to get back into pc gaming..... please some1 recomend something with a really good reason behind it... im looking for a pc that is going to awsome for gaming, surfing, downloading and video recording and editing. but mainly for GAMING... thanks all help appreciated...
AMD PNENOM II x470 with the GEFORCE gtx560 ti. coz at least i have used amd but only with lower models and the phenom 3.2 my m8 has and i have used but only with old ati video card, and run games poorly... iv chose the 470 and 560 as there is loads of videos of people running games at very high spec recording there screen and still perfect fps....and there all build that have lower models of the same graphics card. im used to counterstrike and call of duty 1&uo,2 and 4 but now havnt been into pc for a few years everything upgraded round me...now have a full time job really want to get back into pc gaming..... please some1 recomend something with a really good reason behind it... im looking for a pc that is going to awsome for gaming, surfing, downloading and video recording and editing. but mainly for GAMING... thanks all help appreciated...