Any laptops with upgradable GPUS?


Active member

Simple question really. Do any of the PCScottish laptops have the ability to upgrade the GPU? Mxm for example? I know little of what's possible but just want to get a laptop with the most upgradability and future proofing. Any help please?



Multiverse Poster
You should always assume that any laptop you buy can't have the GPU upgraded, simply as you don't know what the next gen of GPU will be like in terms of power consumption, how it connects, and whether suitable BIOS updates will be available.


The BSOD Doctor
It's PC Specialist. Laptop portability comes at a price and upgradability (is that a word?) is the main price. I agree 100% with Oussebon.


Active member
Yeah fair dos. Cheers for the comments. Pretty much what I expected. I do think we will see upgradable laptops in the future butility I need a laptop now so will have to go with what I can. Cheers