Anyone else finding the website loading times are slower than normal?


Superhero Level Poster
Is it just me or in the past couple of days has anyone else notices the PCS website is loading a bit slowly?

When I'm flicking through the different configurators, helping people build a spec it seems the site is a bit more sluggish than usual. Is it just me, or is anyone else getting it too?

My internet is fine everywhere else so I can only think it's something to do with the site... Maybe just me though... I don't know...


Superhero Level Poster
Obviously I have upset some sort of internet god, maybe the NSA is inspecting my traffic or something. If so they better get beefier hardware because the increased load times are unacceptable to me :)...

OK, so I think we have found the problem.... I probably shouldn't admit it but I use internet explorer (hides), Firefox is working fine, will try the usual stuff and see if it works better after that.


Superhero Level Poster
Wow freaky, your in inverurie smokedarknight? im about 5 miles away from you. I think you are the closest person I have ever met on the internet, im in Kemnay.

Not an excuse sadly, I am temped by a similar PC to that though, just would never use it properly :p


Author Level
Wow in that case you sure its not just the crummy internet we have in the area?

There is about 5 or Six of us local, I know of one other user in Inverurie.

Small world :)


Superhero Level Poster
Here was me thinking I was the only one who knew the secret of PCS in the area, yeah small world indeed.

Found the problem now anyway, best let this thread die before I ruin the reputation of PCS all by myself...