ATi poking fun at Nvidia


Staff member


Bright Spark
I was reading the comments on youtube and rage3d, even the Nvidia fan boys (gorman excluded) thought it was a good funny ad.

I didn't realise rival companies were allowed to do such stuff.


Staff member
I was reading the comments on youtube and rage3d, even the Nvidia fan boys (gorman excluded) thought it was a good funny ad.

I didn't realise rival companies were allowed to do such stuff.

You'll notice that they don't mention Nvidia in the post, just that the PC's are glowing green :)


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I was reading the comments on youtube and rage3d, even the Nvidia fan boys (gorman excluded) thought it was a good funny ad.

I didn't realise rival companies were allowed to do such stuff.

Not an Nvidia fanboy, i just like the best kit, whoever makes it.

Its meh funny, like harry hill funny. But mostly it just reminds me of the get a mac ads.

Im sure you too would see its a pretty pointless ad. How about a cool vid showing the new 6 series architecture or something about what make ATI stand out from the crowd, show some eyefinity setups, anything!

But instead we get a hippy stood in the pits of a drag race moaning that everythings too hot and uses too much power. The point of enthusiast components, they missed it.

Yeah PCS, good way to cover their backs. Really sneaky of them, although i approve as its pretty funny.

On a side note, read this. (insanse)

Will never be released other than a one off line for some specific application, wont be seeing it on the shelves at all i dont reckon. I think the only green stuff we will see before the refresh is a gf104 based dual gpu card. bleugh, dual gpu cards suck.

But, they were forced to reduce the number of stream processors from 512 to 480 and to reduce the frequencies to solve problems of high power consumption and high temperature in addition to general instability of the cards under load.

Thats plain BS, everyone knows that it was due to yields. Nvidia failed hard on testing the new process and ended up with around 2% yield off each batch.

Measure twice cut once boys :p