Best Wireless Adaptor For Constantly Changing Networks


Bronze Level Poster
Hi Chaps,

I'm in the final stages of choosing my gaming laptop, it's mainly to be used on the road. I'm in a touring band and will be joining a different wireless network everyday. I'm after the one with the farthest reach naturally but also one that's compatible with every dodgy router I'll be trying to connect to throughout Europe.

The three options for the Defiance laptop are:
INTEL N-7265 M.2 (300Mbps, 802.11BGN)
INTEL AC-7265 M.2 (867Mbps, 802.11AC)
KILLER 1525 802.11N

With my basic knowledge of anything network related i can see the top one supports B, G and N channels. I was going to opt for the KILLER as it shoudl have the farthest range but if it can't connect all the time it's not much use.


Carl .


In general, the Intel wireless adapters tend to have better drivers and work better in Windows.

AC wireless also has a couple of advantages over N, apart from being a newer standard, I believe it will try and maintain a stronger directed signal even with the older N routers.

So my vote is for #2.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that all the standards are backwards compatiable, so AC supports N, G, B, A and N supports G, B, A (but not AC obviously).