BF/COD - Controller vs M&K - a revelation


Bronze Level Poster
Hey guys

I've mentioned on here before how i use my control pad for BF3 and get absolutely battered game after game. I genuinely just could not use M&K....a little bit of practice and BOOM!...back to kicking ass. It's amazing how much better the aiming is, it's so quick and much higher levels of accuracy. I've still got a way to go but i'm starting to enjoy the game now i actually get kills.
I've only had a gaming PC for7 months so never played COD on PC. Is it also much better on PC with M&K? Picking up Ghosts shortly


Prolific Poster
You'll always get battered by KB/M players of you're using a controller, it's a much better way of playng. Don't know about Ghosts (I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole) but I presume it's the same.

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
Usually cods flawless with a MK combo, but the new ones a shoddy port with the mouse stutters every so often

There are some fixes you can try till they release a proper fix

the new battlefield feels great though, even with the low framerates I get on my ageing pc the game feels really responsive,
