Blue screen of death.


So orginally, I forgot to add any optical driver to my PCS order :x

In my last thread Vanthus helped me establish that my optical drive was IDE and I needed to buy a Sata drive. I bought it today and hooked it up, the drive is working perfectly, but I'm having a lot of trouble installing windows.

I tap F8, boot from the disk and it begins setup. When the text "Setup is starting windows" appears, I get the blue screen of death.

I tried a different xp disc - same problem (they both work fine with my other computers). I had a Fedora 14 live disk, so I booted from it to see if the HD was the problem. It booted and ran fedora, I even managed to mount it to the HD. I can't understand why my windows blue screens at that point in set up. I don't want to start tinkering with the BIOS on my own, so I came to PCS for yet more help :(

Thanks in advance. I'll reply as promptly as I can to any queries.
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could possibly be the hardware or software in your pc that isnt supported with older operating system like your XP. have you tried windows 7?


I switched AHCI to IDE and didn't bluescreen. I formatted, continued setup to the point where it says "setup will continue after your computer reboots [countdown]". That's standard.

However, when it reboots, it gets past the Asus screen then black screens and reboots - in a loop. Ugh, I really thought it was going to work that time :|


could possibly be the hardware or software in your pc that isnt supported with older operating system like your XP. have you tried windows 7?

I don't have windows 7 around. I've never heard of a computer not being able to run XP o_O


Member Resting in Peace
You didn't say what version of xp you have,(e.g. sp1)which has a partition limit.
But even if you bought a 1TB Hard Drive, and only had a Windows XP non server pack or SP1 disk, you can always create a 120GB partition, install, and repartition after you update with service packs.


It's XP PRO SP1.

I've noticed something unusual. When I select a drive to install the OS onto it says "C:\ 131072MB" With no other options available. I have a 500GB HD. I think this is the root of my problem.

Back to googling and tinkering for a few hours :p


Member Resting in Peace
Windows XP SP1 has a partition limit of 128gb,this is all it can recognize,
as i said create a partition of 120gb & install xp on to it,
after you update service packs, xp will recognize the rest of your hard drive.
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Well third time installing windows in that C:\ 131000mb partition I decided to try deleting the partition and installing again. Worked. All my drivers and stuff installed. Up to SP3 on it.

Cannot thank you enough vanthus, legend <3