Hi there, I am a complete newbie to online gaming gaming, only ever using consoles previously. I am looking for a 15 inch laptop that will have no issues running the htc vive and connecting to my tv. I am disabled so i cannot get to a store particularly currently when there is over a foot of snow outdoors. I have researched for months trying to find a laptop with the specs needed at my maximum budget, whixh is around £1100. PCS seems a remarkable company with great reviews. The problem i have is that the minimum specs required for the htc vive keep changing and confusing me. Also it says i need a 1tb hd, plus 8gb ram, plus gtx 1070 with 250mb ssd and 120 fps? When ive tried to build one on here it keeps asking me if i want the io installed on my ssd (recommended) Is this right? Or wont that take all the power needed for my htc vive to run smoothly. Here are the specs of the closest build ive found that meets the specs forhtc vive but that is a bit higher than my budget. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.