Crysis 2 controller and frame rate issue


Silver Level Poster

Ive got a weird problem when playing crysis 2 with a mouse but is fine when playing with 360 pad.

After the dx11 patch, everything on ultra, and all other settings at their highest, when I launch the game playing from start or from a saved game, the game is not smooth when looking around with the mouse, its playable but not smooth, after around 30 mins to an hour it sorts itself out and is very smooth and a joy to play. Doing some research into vsync i now play with v sync off in game and forced on via nvidia control panel, I thought maybe the graphics cards need to heat up until they reach their full potential? ne way a mate said it could be memory caching between graphics cards and what not ??

A mate came round who is a console gamer 'uh yuck' so I thought id show them crysis 2 to show off the power of pc's. Loaded up crysis 2, showed em that everything was to the max, loaded the game and instantly the game runs very smooth indeed, looking around with the 360's analogue sticks is smooth as you like which now surely points to the mouse ??

anyone got any ideas on what this could be ?