Curious about delivery times


Active member
don't know if I'm posting this in the right place or not, as I just signed up to the forum.
I ordered both a desktop and a laptop on Friday (the desktop is for my partner and the laptop is for me). The delivery times are estimated at 6-8 days for the desktop, and 5-7 days for the laptop. I didn't want to order a quicker delivery as a friend told me not to rush deliveries as things may be less thoroughly tested (don't know if that's true, but didn't want to take any risks when buying such expensive items). Anyway, I am feeling a little nervous as I was reading some of the reviews on the laptops (from as recent as last month) and people were saying that they didn't get their laptop for 17 days...
I play world of warcraft, and the new expansion is out in 12 days, I really want (need!) to get the new computers before them, and assumed with the 5-7 day time scale that it would be plenty of time. But, now I'm worried :/
Does anyone know if pcs are currently behind with their orders, if I can expect to receive the computers in the 5-8 days or if it could potentially be longer? Thank you :)


Multiverse Poster
Getting fast track does not mean less testing, unless your friend works for PCS and has inside information that's not true. It is not in their interest to send faulty products since it requires them to collect and fix them.
I would consider those lead times as estimates and if I were you get fast track, there is no guarantee you will get it by them and if you really require it by the 12th fast track would be the best option


Active member
I'll be receiving my laptop on Tuesday, when I ordered it on 01/10/2014.

My laptop was delayed as I ordered it during a busy period (estimated build time of 11-14 working days) and then after the time passed, my processor was in constraint, delaying it further.

I doubt you will have the same problem as me as the massive university rush is over, but if you want to guarantee everything in time, order fast track.