DAC-Up Ports


Active member
Was checking on the spec of the motherboard I have ordered for my PC, Gigabyte G1 Sniper B7 , included were triple USB DAC-Up Ports . As I had no idea what that meant were I had to look it up . Has anyone any experience of them & can you spot any meaningful difference in sound quality ?

Not sure if I've posted in the correct section .
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Rising Star

I am an audiophile and use an external DAC with proper monitor speakers but I have no experience of these specific low noise USB ports. The higher end motherboards tend to also have optical audio and if my external DAC accepted both inputs I would use optical audio.

I don't know how much of a gimmick this is, or maybe it is noticeable with higher end speakers at louder volumes. It is when you get to much higher volumes that background noise becomes most apparent. For home use this special port might not get a chance to demonstrate it is better than a standard USB port.

Not really answering your question but offer some opinions with reasoning instead.
