occasionally it crashes my games.. but yeh can't be good when I've only had the pc just over a month and not even played on it that much.. why does it stop working?
any suggestions.. or additional infomation needed?
The first thing to check with any graphics related issues is the drivers.
Can you tell us the make/model of card, full details of the operating system you are using - e.g. Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit -and what version number of graphics drivers you are using. That'll save a lot of guess-work and "maybe" answers.
If you mean Windows 7, there's a new driver on AMD's website - released on 26th January. If you are using Windows 7, can you download and install those then post back to tell us if the problem is cured. It would be best if you could uninstall your current drivers first then reboot. After that, run a registry cleaner like CCleaner (if you are not sure how to do that, post back.) then install the new drivers.
If you didn't mean Windows 7, please post back with full details of your Windows version - "Windows 64 bit" could mean XP, Vista or Windows 7 and it makes a difference.
If the new drivers don't help, can you tell us if the problem only happens with certain games and if so, which games. Sometimes the games themselves cause problems and there may be patches or updates available.
it is 7 yes, sorry - I have CCleaner, you can uninstall it via device manage or control panel or programs -> CCC -> uninstall right?
It only happens on intensive games, things with lesser graphics like counter-strike it never happens to.
happened when playing BlackOPS
and World of Warcraft
I'll update tomorrow and see if it changes anything thank you
If it has it's own uninstaller, use that - if not, use the Control Panel/Programs option. Device Manager may only remove the basic drivers - leaving a lot of dross behind - you want to get rid of everything to make sure that there are no conflicts with the new drivers and software.
I was just changing my keyboard and pc died and said 'overclock failed' wouldn't start untill luckily I found the saved profile in bios, I can't see where to uninstall the GPU drive any help? an can someone shed some light on my overclock failure?
I installed them new drivers and ran CCleaner, but not by first uninstalling hte driver as the program did that for me, but before that I was playing WoW and it frooze like it the problem I mentioned and now I've lost alot of FPS during game play
"Overclock Failure" is one of those generalised error messages that tell you nothing very useful. Newer motherboards will tend to show that after any problem if you are using DDR3 memory (probably because an XMP profile is - officially - overclocking).
There was a good reason for saying that you should uninstall the drivers yourself and then run CCleaner before instaling the latest drivers - it's the only way to know that the job has been done right. For all we know, ATI's automatic uninstaller could be leaving files behind which then don't get updated - that actually happened until recently with NVidia's 64 bit drivers and it caused a lot of problems (kernal errors for those who had the problem).
I don't know about returning the PC but I think a call to technical support is your best option now.