Do you use keyboard and mouse or game controller?


Bronze Level Poster
Do you use keyboard and mouse or game controller? Obviously games like total war or civilisation you'd use a mouse and k/b, but do how you find fps's and 1st/3rd person rpg's?

Petchi b

Well-known member
Mouse and keyboard all the way!!!

The only time I use my Logitech gamepad is for football games like Pro Evo or Fifa..


Prolific Poster
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Just thought id post that cus im bored lol, also i use a contreoller.

EDIT: it didnt post properly :(


Bright Spark
Mouse + Keyboard. It's the only way to game, besides a mouse and keyboard offers more options and precision than a controller.


Bright Spark
Mouse + Keyboard. It's the only way to game, besides a mouse and keyboard offers more options and precision than a controller.
really? I would have thought that rpg's would benefit from a keyboard for quick accesss to spells and weapons etc.

I agree, the only game i use a controller for is GTA and i haven't picked that up in ages. mouse and keyboard i find is just much more natural for rpg and shooters alike.

Edit : i can see why people do use controllers for some 'action rpg' games including Dragon Age 2 for example, as they were designed to work on the console, sadly that makes the gameplay more limited on the pc i find.
Last edited:


I've got a old USB 360 Controller.. hopefully I can use that on my P.C when it comes, however I do have a gaming keyboard and mouse so time will tell!


Well-known member
Keyboard and mouse, of course. Even when I used to play racing games I mapped the keys to the keyboard and got used to them and played it like that. I'm so far gone with the keyboard and mouse now that even just holding a controller feels unnatural and sickening.


Prolific Poster
Keyboard and mouse, of course. Even when I used to play racing games I mapped the keys to the keyboard and got used to them and played it like that. I'm so far gone with the keyboard and mouse now that even just holding a controller feels unnatural and sickening.

I know its possible to use keyboard for racing but you cant tell me it feels mroe natural for racing lol, wheel and controller far outdo the digital on off signal of a keyboards keys fro acceleration brake and steering.


Biblical Poster
as i only have an xbox for gaming at the moment its obviously controller, but i would love it if they released a keyboard/mouse for it, although it would lack leftover USB ports, still, id be interested for some games


You may want to consider looking at the Eagle Eye Converter done by PenguinUnited which they will be announcing soon for the 360, Wozza. Its a converter that allows you to connect a mouse and keyboard to play instead of the controller. Currently its only for the ps3.

I don't know about you guys but personally for me, i think movement on shooters or fps games on keyboard isnt as good as a controller. Aiming/shooting however, the mouse is better.

I own something that takes a part of both which isnt bad using lol, its called a frag controller. Its a controller and a mouse combined. Its designed by Splitfish.

This is the one i have, fragfx shark:

Its not bad at all for what it could do and using is pretty impressive, apart from that, it just looks pretty weird lol


Well-known member
I know its possible to use keyboard for racing but you cant tell me it feels mroe natural for racing lol, wheel and controller far outdo the digital on off signal of a keyboards keys fro acceleration brake and steering.

It feels more natural to me than the controller, but not more natural than a steering wheel of course.


Prolific Poster
You may want to consider looking at the Eagle Eye Converter done by PenguinUnited which they will be announcing soon for the 360, Wozza. Its a converter that allows you to connect a mouse and keyboard to play instead of the controller. Currently its only for the ps3.

I don't know about you guys but personally for me, i think movement on shooters or fps games on keyboard isnt as good as a controller. Aiming/shooting however, the mouse is better.

I own something that takes a part of both which isnt bad using lol, its called a frag controller. Its a controller and a mouse combined. Its designed by Splitfish.

This is the one i have, fragfx shark:

Its not bad at all for what it could do and using is pretty impressive, apart from that, it just looks pretty weird lol

I have the same one, for me it is a lot worse thana controller, it has major lag, and is either super sensitive or super unsensitive, never been able to find a good middle ground, I just fine id more of a gimic to be honest. I might try it again sometime but mines just ended up sitting ont he shelf tbh.


I'm currently using a Keyboard and Mouse for everything. It feels natural for RTS games (obviously) but I am struggling a little bit with FPS. People are always saying how the aiming is much more sensitive and accurate with a Keyboard and Mouse, and how FPS games are boss on PC because of this, but I disagree to some degree. The aiming is better on PC, but I find everything else is much more difficult. Take Battlefield for example the run and crouch keys are really close to each other, and the 'go prone' button is at a pretty unnatural location (the Z key - which IMO is pretty hard to hit with your pinky). Changing weapons is a bit of a nightmare using a mousewheel/keyboard as well. I quite like the console way of weapon changing; one button to swap main weapons, the d-pad for everything else.

Another example of this is playing as a medic on BF I am constantly throwing a medipac at a dead body instead of bringing out my paddles...*don't judge me*