Elite: Dangerous


Silver Level Poster
I've been playing the Beta 2 now for a few weeks when it came out at the end of September.

It is very good, but it is hard. I would watch some videos on youtube of if first to give you some idea. Do not think
this is a game you can just jump in and play because you can't, though you may not think that anyway. There is a
good 20 keys or so to learn at least.

Look for anything by isinova I think on youtube and Elite Dangerous - his "flight assist off" series are excellent.

It looks fantastic graphically. There are still some gameplay issues to be sorted out, it isn't perfect I find, some
things are more complicated to do than they ought to be. But flight is quite hard. Nearly all the best combat videos
are using flight sticks. Personally, I use keys and mouse. They are still talking about a final release this year.
I think it will be well worth it, but like the original, you really will need to stick at it, you won't finish this one
over night or in a few weeks even.


Super Star
I'm playing with an xbox 360 controller and loving it!!

Trying to gain credits to buy the Anaconda which will take a while.