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Bronze Level Poster

All you have to do is have a child born on 11/11/2011 and name it "Dovahkiin"

i'm not making this up, honest!

Bethseda Blog

Bethseda are willing to give away these awesome 'games-for-life' Steam keys and all you have to do is give your kid a funky name...

..the whole, making sure she gives birth on the 11th of november? not too sure how you can force the issue there. :(

Isn't curry supposed to help with that? :D

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
And then explain to your child that it was conceived with the aim to win a game competition. That'll go down down well.


Active member
well i think the pratice needed 2 win that comp would be gr8 ,well lets say 2 be in with a chance of winning it :)

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
I think it beats "I didn't know antibiotics messed with the pill" hands down. Any child of mine would be brought up to appreciate the awesome

"You were unwanted" is always a bad one yes, but you might conceive a child who completely hates the genre. Then again, giving it away for adoption would be an option if your child has such a poor taste in games ;)


Biblical Poster
lol i saw this earlier i actually lol'd

could always change it a month after and they wouldnt know any different most likely


Active member
I don't think it's that bad really, just sounds foreign to me.

Without being told, I'd have no idea that it meant dragonborn and was from a computer game.

Theres alot more cringe worthy names being given to new babies every day by chavs and the like.


Bright Spark
I don't mind the names, the modern society name their kids far worse. All these teenage pregnancies which end up with the most stupid names ever are FAR worse then Dovahkiin.


Bright Spark
Robin Williams names his Kid Zelda after the nintendo character and Kevin Smith named his kid Harley Quinn after the Batman character, so naming kids in that manner isnt unusual.

In anycase cant they just name the kid the weird name, get all the rewards for it then change it to a normal name after a month or so?

EDIT - I have a chinese friend by the name of Man Ho. A rather unfortunate translation if you ask me...


Bright Spark
There's loads of unfortunate asian names, I know a Fuk Yu. But as a Swede I can never understand why anyone in a English speaking country would intentionally call their child ****. I know it's short for Richard, but what on earth was going through peoples head when they willingly get such a name?

(Lol forum won't even let me type the name.)

I also heard about someone going through court in order to name their child Lego.


Bright Spark
I used to work for an insurance company and i did come across someone called Richard Head.

I know it was childish but that one had me laughing for a while :)


Superhero Level Poster
When the current fad is to copy celebs and call your kid something ridiculous, this name seems as good as any :)

Rather nice that someone willing to do it actually had the kid on 11.11.11 too...nice bit of extra PR for Bethesda too.