Good Morning/Evening


Been NLE Video Editing for several years, using Pinnacle Studio Products, including 2D Animations, using proDAD's Heroglyph & have moved on to 3D Machinima Film Production, Using Reallusion's iClone, which has it's origins in GamePlay, with a RealTime Render Engine, that requires more Horse Power than my current Branded Desktop PC. Hence my purchase of a Custom Build Desktop 2 days-ago, after careful consideration, looking at other Custom Build Websites..

I've had several PCs over the years, including a Self-Build that worked after a fashion - So I'm hoping that my choice will be fashionable (Where's the Wink Smiley BTW?).

ADDED - Apologies - I forgot to include "Good Afternoon"
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Bright Spark
Saw you didnt have any replies; and not wanting you to feel lonely or anything mate.......good evening!:cool2: Welcome to the forum and the excitement of waiting for your pc.


hi and welcome
why dont you add your spec to your sig for all to see
and post us up some pics (thats a sure fire way to earn some good ol' rep!)


Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome Folks - Yes, I was beginning to wonder if I was using the wrong deodorant!

Mostly Gamers here, I see, with big colourful beasts that go with Gameplay.

As for me, PCs are boxes of plastic & metal & a means to an end. If they work, then I'm not bothered. If they don't, then I'll look into it.

That being said, there's a lot of excellent technical & other info to be gleaned from the Forums, especially pengipete, that should be prerequisite for any PC owner.

A pretty impressive Website, with easy to follow PC configuring /ordering / Process Control. With the added bonus of a Forum, as part of the after sales service.

The latest & greatest PC components are churned-out every 6 months or so, these days. So it's not easy to configure a balanced system. PC Specialist go out of their way to help achieve that. Looks to be a good Company to do business with, so far.