Graphics card slots covered


On my new pc the HDMI and one other port (not the DVI one) are just slightly covered by the back plating of the case, literally a tiny amount and could probablly get the cable in but would cause a small amount of bending i would of thought.

Could this be due to a slight dislodging during transit?


It probably would of made more sense for me to ask this question when i have access to the computer, and not when im at a friends house

Il get back to you in the morning ruben :)


Multiverse Poster
No worries, I could think that maybe it was moved in transit and you just need to tight the screw and make sure it is well fitted in the motherboard.


Author Level
Ruben is correctamundo :)

If it's not loose, simply un-tighten the screws holding in the GPU, move it slightly so you can get the cable in, then screw it back in :) (Obviously don't go extreme and snap the GPU's PCI connection :p)