Grey circle with white exclamation mark on YouTube and Facebook videos


Hey guys,

So here's the problem.
Every now and again when watching a video on YouTube or Facebook (the only sites I have noticed it on) the video will freeze and then a grey circle with white exclamation mark will appear and the video stops.
Sometimes refreshing the page fixes it, other times I have to restart the browser.
From my memory this has only happened on Internet Explorer (which is up to date) primarily because it is my standard browser, I use Chrome for work only really. My Flash is also up to date.
I have done some research and a lot of people are saying it is a memory issue, one such post here:

The grey circle means “out of memory”
Why does it happen :
Because the adobe Flash player runing under any browser does not empty correctly the memory.
As a proof, lunch your pc with only one web browser (and nothing else)
Run ANY webbased flash application (ANY website that has a flash application)
And watch the RAM memory on your windows task manager.
For small Flash apps, you’ll have an increase of 1Mb/5minutes
For more important Flash Apps (games or others) you can have up to 4Mb increase/minute
That means that if you run a game and a couple of other application, your RAM memory will quickly go OUT OF MEMORY.

My confusion with this is that I have running Core i5 dual core, with 8gb of Ram and GTX 570. So I would be surprised if the issue was to do with hardware.
Does anyone have any experience with this or have any information that may help solve the problem?

Thanks as always guys :)