Last week I decided to update to the latest 314.22 driver hoping/expecting to see a bit of a increase in performance as it's been specifically tailored for Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. After running a couple of benchmarks it was clear that it had a negative effect in the region of 15-20%. Previous benchmark averaged 65.49 on using the drivers pre-installed by the guys at PCS. This dropped to 55.51 using the new 314.22 so nothing major frame rate wise but a little surprising nonetheless. After reverting back to the original driver, as supplied on the driver disk with the laptop, I'm now only hitting 42-43 fps and somewhat confused by the whole situation. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I'm guessing PCS would have just used the standard/default Nvidia settings on the most stable driver at the time? Anything obvious that i'm missing/forgetting?