Hah! My good lady keeps telling me that my PC is a monstrosity and is a stupid sinkhole for my money... I can't argue with the second one, but the first is shocking and false!
She's only interested in her ipad/iphone style games and has no interest for real games of any kind. She abhors MMO games threatening severe personal sanctions if I ever start playing one. She does make my dinner though so I can't complain
Well this is a family friendly forum (oh I do like a bit of alliteration)... I didn't want to elaborate hahaha.
See, I knew there was at least one advantage to still being singleIf I sit at my PC for an hour she thinks i've played too long!
The Wii was novelty enough that I could get a game of bowling out of her , on the right day, with the wind behind me...but I think despise is not nearly a strong enough word for how my other half would describe her thoughts on all that is gaming...so treasure that set up mate...hold it close and never let it go...
Haha. Its fine for all the good she does me I carry her ass in Guild Wars
....dragons, wizards and samurai