HDMI/GTX 970 - Poor Colours/Contrast??


Bronze Level Poster
Recently have a new rig, and with it a GTX 970 card. The thing is, I am having issues with my desktop contrast. The black looks too bright (background for example) and the white (like the background of Internet Explorer) is too pale like looking. I've only had AMD cards, apart from years ago, and never had any problems at all like this. I've tried numerous settings etc, but still can't get it to look how it should do. Not unless I use the Nvidia settings, which makes it more 'vibrant' and normal, but it makes my eyes hurt. Plus, I'm not sure if it enables those settings in a game. I also have this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000GDI6FC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00 which could be the problem maybe? I also have two DVI ports on the back of the GPU, one white and one yellow, not sure what the difference is or if the connector should be in a particular one? Would really appreciate any advice. Some people mentioned about 'YCbCr444' being better than 'RGB' too. But not sure how to change any of that :(


Bronze Level Poster
And also the Nvidia 'Dynamic' range settings. No idea again what those two actually mean or do!


Are you using the same monitor as before? I'd have always said in the first instance its the monitor that has a much bigger impact on all that than the GPU itself unless you heavily tweaked your previous GPU.

I'd also try to use a HDMI to HDMI or DVI to DVI (depending on what you have available) cable if you can to eliminate that (probably isn't causing the issue but still) - I think the 970 only has one DVI port on it so make sure you're using the one on the GPU and not the one on the motherboard - The one on the GPU will be next to a few other ports (either HDMI or DP)


I've never really messed around with any of the settings you're talking about so cant be much help there really, hopefully someone who is more familiar will see this post and throw in their two pence worth :)


Bronze Level Poster
Thanks for the reply, mate. My GTX has two DVI ports, lol. I've been looking up on Google, and it seems that Nvidia cards have problems with HDMI outputs and it's colours. And Nvidia doesn't save properly, it's own colour settings via the control panel. Still not found a solid workaround, though!


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Bronze Level Poster
Is that the correct way though? I mean is it lowering it from 60MHz? Nvidia never saves it's own settings via the control panel.