

Active member
Hello everyone, I have just joined so thought I would say hi. I've only really started to get an interest in playing proper PC games so would take any recommendations to any that you all play? Currently mostly play Football Manager 2014 but I also have GTA 4 through Steam but I have no friends on Steam as I havent used it much until now :(

Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to PC's and computing but I am trying to learn as I go and will hopefully be finalising my first PC Specialist custom build in the next few days :)

I play Xbox also, but only really bothered with the new GTA 5 and will be looking to get it for PC when it comes out

Things I like include football, rugby and chips

I also like bacon


Author Level
Hello, welcome to the forums,

Feel free to add me on Steam etc, its SmokeDarKnight for everything.

Games i would recommend are DOTA 2 its free and awesome and also Payday 2.
