Home plugs?


Hey everyone just wanted a few bits of advice really about home plugs.

I'm planning on buying some today but i'm unsure of which ones to get. I have a 126 MB download speed and i can only get around 80 through wireless 5 GHz as my pc is in the next room through stone walls.

Is it possible to get more then 100 through home plugs and if so which ones? i would prefer to only spend around £40 on them if possible.




Remember your download speed is likely 126Mb not MB. So 100MB home it's will be much faster they are usually sold as gigabit homeplugs. You also need to ensure your router has gigabit LAN ports and au think you will need a cat6 cable either end to guarantee the max speeds.

Saying all that though I suspect you don't 'need' gigabit homeplugs to achieve max download speeds so the 50 MB ones and cat 5 cables will probably do fine.

Amazon sell them at reasonable prices