How does the fingerprint scanner work?


Silver Level Poster
How does the fingerprint scanner work?

I don’t want to be locked out.
just in case the fingerprint scanner doesn’t recognised my print.

Do you get the option of entering a password and/or using the scanner.

Also if I want to let someone else use the laptop but they don’t have their print scanned in they will need a way of entering a password.

I assume different uses will have a different ‘scan’ to allow them access. Just as they have different passwords.



Staff member
You can still enter a manual password - you have the option of both.

I cannot confirm but you can more than likely configure many different fingerprints to grant access.


Bronze Level Poster
The man's right, you can use the fingerprint scanner to allow differing levels of access or different users depending on the print.

Of course, if you DO use multiple fingerprints, then you have to remember which finger does which!


Silver Level Poster
that's good, the finger print thig sounds like it will be convienet providing i don;t get locked out

thanks for that