hydra possible with optimus?


Active member
i might have the wrong name there (hydra) but i'm referring to the tech that lets you essentially SLI 2 different gpus together? in my case, the igpu from intel and the 555m in my laptop?


Active member
i'm sure i read somewhere that it could be done in software as a kind of load balancing. don';t think my mobo supports it :( (optimus2)


No, not that I know of anyway. Sli needs identical cards and Lucid Hydra is part of an AMD board I'm nearly sure. Uses hardware and software.


Active member
hmm, i thought intel owned it

when i said SLI, i meant as in pairing 2 cards together. main reason was that if you got 45ish fps in a game with the 555m and say 10-15 with the intel igpu then lucid balancing the workload across both would be a marked improvement for gaming on laptops with optimus tech.