I need to return my PC dont I?


Bronze Level Poster
Playing Skyrim tonight my PC broke :(

The screen went blank. I had to restart it but now can't get beyond the password login screen - it freezes and the screen pixellates badly. Is there anything I can do or is it just a case of returning it? It's only 5 weeks old :(


Bronze Level Poster
Can you boot into safe mode(tap F8 on startup)
if so it's probably a software/driver problem,
If not best give tech support a call,
(0844 499 4000)

Thanks vanthus

Gave it a go in safe mode this morning and everything worked fine - checked the card drivers and all seemed ok. Restarted in normal mode and loaded up Skyrim and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Not really sure what went wrong - will give PCS a call later to see if they have any ideas. Going to hammer Skyrim again tonight which will test whether there is a genuine problem or whether this was a one off I guess.


Bronze Level Poster
Could have been a GFX Driver issue, Loading in Safe mode uses default drivers that come with windows to boot up so should have helped reset any issues.


Bronze Level Poster
I'm going to check out the over heating - new can of air just bought to help!

I spoke to PCS this morning and the guy said he would be surprised if it were due to overheating - i'm hoping it was a one off as a faulty card would mean many long days in a Skyrim free wilderness.


Bronze Level Poster
Just wanted to post a quick follow up to my original post a few weeks ago.

I bought the can of air and gave everything a good clean which sadly didn't work. I was then advised to do a complete re-install of the OS which again was unsuccessful.

After trying these two things PCS arranged for a new card to come out to me next day via the new courier. Got my hour delivery slot and they turned up about 10 minutes into the hour with a padded box to return the faulty card.

The new card was installed and all appears to be working well - it's been nearly a month now so fingers crossed the problem is resolved - just hope I haven't cursed my PC by posting this.

I'm someone who is always quick to complain when things go wrong but i'm also happy to give credit where it's due so a huge thanks to PCS for their swift resolution to the problem.