IDE male to female cable


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This will sound a little weird but i'm struggling to find a male to female IDE cable (that I need for my little IDE to SATA converter chip as it will stick out of the back of the case if I dont find one).

I found a site but they want like £7 for it >.> Wondering if you happen to have any lying around somewhere? :p


Author Level
Its not that, it doesnt come with one, and I tried a gender changer but the problem is, the pins are 39 and so when u match em up they dont fit as theyre both female, so when you flip one (symmetry at work) they no longer fit together unless u take out 2 pins from the adapter thing which will then stop the cable from working. So im basically looking for a cheaper version of this:


Author Level
I may have to :'( Seems its quite a specialist thing. Ill see if the right angled sata cable you're sending me that I bought off Ebay will do the trick, but I think it's like 0.5cm too long :p


New member
Sorry to revive this topic but I figuered it would be beneficial to post my findings for anyone who stumbles on this thread like I did through a search engine.
I was on the lookout for something similar because I'm modifying my desk to hold a DVD Drive and an Audio/MIDI bay because I don't wont to ruin the sleek front of my computer case with 5.25" devices.

The perfect solution is on Amazon. A simple gender changer:

Or you buy some PCB headers and push up the plastic moulding with some pliers: