Intel i7 990X?


Bronze Level Poster
Is there any word yet on when the 990X will be released? I see the i7 2600k is out on the 9th Jan, will the 990x be released at the same time?

I'm looking to build a high end system. Is it worth waiting until the 990x release or just get the 980x now before the VAT rise? Will the price of these drop when Sandy Bridge is released? Also, although the SB 2600k isn't as powerful as the 980X, is it worth buying it and changing to the new socket type in the eventuality that a more powerful processor will be released in the summer?

Sorry for all the questions I'm not sure what to do.


i7-990x is penned in for a february 2011 launch. The 990x will be the flagship and most powerful consumer processor.


Staff member
No news on the 990X at the moment, but when you compare the speed difference will the wait/cost/VAT be worth it?

We don't know for certain what processor will be released on the 1155 socket, but I can see your logic behind buying a Sandy Bridge processor now with a view to upgrade in the future.


Prolific Poster
You could just get an overclocked i7-980x, that way you don't need to worry about the 100mhz~ increase on the 990x.


If Intel go down the same route as before, the 990X will cost anywhere between £700 - £900 (going by previous "Xtreme" CPUs Intel have launched). Unless you have an unlimited pot of money to spend, I can't help but think that there are better ways of spending your money - more RAM, faster RAM, better GPU, an extra GPU, bigger PSU, Soundcard, better case/cooling - the list goes on!

You'd be better off going for a "standard" CPU such as the new sandy bridge CPUs and either save a lot of money or beef up other components in the PC. Previous "k" CPUs have had the multiplier unlocked so I reckon the 2xxxk will do too which will mean overclocking will be a doddle, plus the 1155 chipset will help futureproof the PC.
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All the above advice is good, but the simple fact is that the 990x will be the king. Dont forget it is hexacore, whereas sandy bridge is only 4 core. If money is not a problem and you want the best then its the 990x.

If money is a problem and you still want extreme performance then the i7-970 is a hexacore processor and will still spec higher than the the soon to be released i7-2xxx sandy bridge.
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Author Level
Even with a 5ghz air overclock on the 2600K, I wouldnt say so, no.

Then again, you can get a single Xeon for a similar price that the 990X wwll cost you :p Otherwise thought the Xtreme CPUs were a bit of a gimmick :p Theyre like the newest fo teh enw, but something that Intel's been working on, and its like teh toddler of teh next generation if you see what I mean.