Just received my new laptop, but there seems to be some problems


Just received my Optimus III, however, when I insert the the device drivers CD in the DVD drive, it makes some strange noise and gives a warning message says "error performing inpage operation". I can feel the DVD drive is a bit loose, not sure if it is normal. After several minutes, a blue screen turns out and says the system was shut down to prevent damage to computer.

I'm hoping for some advice to deal with these issues. I'd appreciate if you can reply.


Member Resting in Peace
The fact the DVD drive is making a "strange noise" is a bit concerning,could be a faulty DVD drive.
Try this anyway,change the drive letter to another one that's not being used,
to do this right click on the bar of the drive in the lower half of the screen,
select "change drive letter and paths"
click on the Add button in the next menu and pick a drive letter.
Failing that try this,posted by JackAttack I think,though it's for a different error.
Start Registry Editor Click Start, type regedit in the quick search, and then click the regedit icon in the search results. Registry Editor starts.

Step 2: Delete the UpperFilters\LowerFilters registry entry
1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
2. Expand SYSTEM
3. Expand ControlSet001
4. Expand Control
5. Expand Class
6. Search for the key {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and left click on it, bringing the values up on the right
In the right hand pane (topic area), you may have Upperfilters, Lowerfilters or both, click UpperFilters if you have it, and delete it, if you have LowerFilters as well, delete this also. If you only have one of the two, just delete that one, don't worry about the one that isn't there.


Open up command prompt then type CHKDSK L: /R and hit enter (where L: is LOCAL DISK). It may take a while for it to check and fix any errors on the volume. Once it's completed, try accessing the volume again.

Thanks you for your quick reply.
I tried the what you said, and get this message: The type of file system RAW. CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.
I guess it does not work for DVD drive.


Thank you vanthus, I just tried to change the letter, I clicked the CHANGE button instead of ADD button to pick a drive letter. I insert my CD again, nothing happened and I can only hear that noise.

The drive can sometimes load the cd early this morning. If I choose autoplay or double click my DVD drive, then I get the "error performing inpage operation" message, I can only access CD content by clicking view files but I feel very slow .


Member Resting in Peace
Sorry,I meant to type "change" button,my mistake.
Best phone tech support,they may have a solution or offer to send you a replacement DVD drive.


Thank you vanthus, I tried another disc, It works and I tried the PCS driver disc on my old laptop, I get some strange noise too.
so I guess it's just a problem with the disc then.


Member Resting in Peace
Thank you vanthus, I tried another disc, It works and I tried the PCS driver disc on my old laptop, I get some strange noise too.
so I guess it's just a problem with the disc then.
Lol,I foolishly assumed you were having the problem with any disk.
If cleaning the disk doesn't help give PCS a call and explain,they will probably send you out another driver disk.
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