Lack of patience


What is the current average amount of time for an order to be in pre-processing?
I am currently on day 9 in this stage and am really eager to have my new machine :)
Also, if there was a delay due to lack of parts, would we be made aware of this?


The Awesome
Well I think the current estimate is about 11-13 working days for the whole process for a desktop (less for laptops), I'm guessing you're probably on about day 7 of that so far so no need to worry.
And yes I believe it would be in the notes bit of your order if parts were out of stock.

Once your PC goes into building, it progresses very quickly from there unless there are problems.


Sorry, the 9 days is 9 working days - 10 working days since I placed my order (28th Mar in the morning) :)


Well-known member

You also need to be aware of all those horrible people like myself who got it fasttracked and thus go to the front of the queue ;)

See another thread recently posted about their lack of patience and the elation they had when it finally turns up.

I'm nearly 40 and was grinning ear to ear, exactly the same way I did when Christmas came and I got my wind up Evil Kinevel :)
I am on day 9 of pre-production as well, can't see it as a problem yet as it is still within the quoted 11-13 days but my god the wait is killin me :)


Damn you fasttrackers :)
I've been waiting nearly 6 months just to put this order in so in theory the wait should be easy - unfortunately now that the order is in and getting my new machine is a reality, the wait has gotten that much harder :-(


Well-known member
Hahahah. 6mths for me 2 sledding it out and asking advice.

Fast track is the future for curing impatience ;)

By the way, jus to annoy you more, I'm posting this from a very nice beer garden in cookham :)


I considered Fast Tracking, but decided on spending the money on better components - I was working within a budget (which I have already gone over!)

Unfortunately I am sat in work, and being such a quiet Friday, am wishing I could have a beer. Instead I'll have to wait until this evening when I'll be going home to a nice BBQ with some friends.


I think that the wait time is to allow you that extra time to decide on upgrading your specs :)
I've already upgraded my graphics card and am now considering upgrading the case.
Must resist the temptation to spend more money!


Superhero Level Poster
Although actually, it is a business, and they have to pay for the Christmas Party and the Winter Ski Team Building trip somehow...


Active member
I think someone from PCS did mention in another thread that the FastTrackers while getting to the top of the que wont push your order past the lead times as once you order reaches a stage where it looks like going over the lead time it moves into a priority que - which im assuming is probably like giving it a fast track stamp itself. So if there is any delay (and i understand it hasnt reached that stage yet) there might be another problem - which is not a bad thing, dont want you to get you a build quickly but incomplete/faulty.

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
I think that the wait time is to allow you that extra time to decide on upgrading your specs :)
I've already upgraded my graphics card and am now considering upgrading the case.
Must resist the temptation to spend more money!

So that's how they got me :')


Bronze Level Poster
I ordered just before i go away for a few days so by the time i get back it will be nearly ready.............hopefully i wont think about it until then:devil2:


Received an E-mail today to say that my machine has been built an is now in testing (although the status still says I am in the Building Process).
All I need to do now is hope that it isn't Completed/Posted on Thursday as Friday is probably the only day of the week that I am unable to be out of the office.
A Thursday Delivery would be perfect :)


Wow, really zipping through the stages now. Built, tested and now in Quality control. Shouldn't be long before I have my new machine :D


And another quick jump up the chain. PC is now ready to be dispatched. Assuming that it is dispatched today (being that it is before 3pm) I should (fingers crossed whilst touching wood) receive my machine tomorrow.

I just hope that my manager allows me to work from home. I don't see why it would be a problem. If I have to take holiday then it means that he'll have to cover my work so easier for him to let me work at home :)