New CPU/Mobo ideas?


Bronze Level Poster
Hey guys,

So I'm currently wanting to change my CPU and mobo to something a bit better.

I currently have an AMD FX-4170 (4.20GHz) and an ASUS M5A97.

I don't really have a budget, as I am unaware at what I am looking for, but if you have any recommendations for a new CPU and mobo that are compatible, I'm all ears!



Multiverse Poster
without a budget is difficult to suggest different CPUs and motherboards. Any particular reason for the upgrade?just gaming?


Bronze Level Poster
Main reasons are Gaming/Video Editing yeah.

I mainly never added a budget as I'm not sure of the price range for these parts


Life Serving
why not just get a 6 or 8 core bulldozer chip for the video editing?

No point spending 300-400 on a new cpu/mobo/ram when you could just upgrade the cpu and stick with AMD, then sell on the old chip for recoup some costs.