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Due to Gorman being ill and teh christmas break where servers (I imagine) @ PCS will be offline, ive decided to host the map myself, on the latest version that I actuially have available to me which was about 5hrs before the whole thing stopped working.
All I need to redo is the roofing on teh spawn point, haematite needs to redig the tunnel that connects him to the deep tunnel thing I made in the spawn base.
I think spiko and jojo_x were working on a tower, my apologies for the few hours that will be lost but yeah, better somethign than nothing right? if you want to wait for the old server, you can, although, then we'll be likely on 2 seperate server as some of us will have progressed on mine and some will have waited for what they did on the old one
Anyway, ill provide IP in a bit via PM when its all done.
Furthermore, the server will be online until 4PM today, and maybe a bit tonight.
Every other day except Wednesday and probably Xmas day, itll be on from around 9am to 7pm.
After the 27th, itll be offline till teh 31st as ill be in France.
Ill probably pass the world over to my friend to host during that time.
This is the best I can think of for time being.
OK, server is hosted, but ye we've decided we want the up-to-date map off teh server before people come, so ive dished out the ip but ye the world will be updated with the new one when gorman is next in.
Also, my ip is a dynamic IP, i dont think you can type web-urls in, otherwise u could have used dyndns to always connect to my right IP, hopefully it wont change often, but if u cant get in, its because the IP did change, so pm me and ill dish out teh new one each time.
OK we're gonna scrap the whole hosting at home thingy, we're gonna buy a server at MyMCServ, for $9.60 (£6.20) per month. We will be buying this:
Total Burst RAM will be 1024MB, including the OpenVZ thing it runs on.
512MB for minecraft, which is enough to comfortably satisfy 6 players at any one time (we've never been more than 6 on the server at any one time anyways).
There is NO cap on how manny can join, so we could quite easily get 10 player on at same time, but it may start to lag abit.
The main thing is i'll be able to update it as soon as updates come out, and it will auto restart if it crashes.
Haematite and myself will split the cost 50 50 but if you want to donate the odd penny to teh cause, my paypal is [email protected]
I will probably set up a whitelist so we dont get griefers.
Any questions, pm away.
Oh and Gorman, dont worry, ill still all-hail you upon arrival Oh and, when you're better and back in work, we will need teh most up-to-date minecraft map.
and... ANOTHER edit...
That $9.60 one is out of stock, so we'll be going for the UK one, same RAM and everything, $13/month
~~~Latest News~~~
Server bought, turns out they dont use the OpenVC one anymore as its a bit slower, so we have a Xen for the same price of $13 (would have been $15) same 512MB of RAM, etc etc, and we can download the map for backups.
Paid for it, just awaiting updated map from Gorman now We will probably white-list so I can just dish out the IP on the forums and it will be a 'PM to add' policy.
All I need to redo is the roofing on teh spawn point, haematite needs to redig the tunnel that connects him to the deep tunnel thing I made in the spawn base.
I think spiko and jojo_x were working on a tower, my apologies for the few hours that will be lost but yeah, better somethign than nothing right? if you want to wait for the old server, you can, although, then we'll be likely on 2 seperate server as some of us will have progressed on mine and some will have waited for what they did on the old one
Anyway, ill provide IP in a bit via PM when its all done.
Furthermore, the server will be online until 4PM today, and maybe a bit tonight.
Every other day except Wednesday and probably Xmas day, itll be on from around 9am to 7pm.
After the 27th, itll be offline till teh 31st as ill be in France.
Ill probably pass the world over to my friend to host during that time.
This is the best I can think of for time being.
OK, server is hosted, but ye we've decided we want the up-to-date map off teh server before people come, so ive dished out the ip but ye the world will be updated with the new one when gorman is next in.
Also, my ip is a dynamic IP, i dont think you can type web-urls in, otherwise u could have used dyndns to always connect to my right IP, hopefully it wont change often, but if u cant get in, its because the IP did change, so pm me and ill dish out teh new one each time.
OK we're gonna scrap the whole hosting at home thingy, we're gonna buy a server at MyMCServ, for $9.60 (£6.20) per month. We will be buying this:
Total Burst RAM will be 1024MB, including the OpenVZ thing it runs on.
512MB for minecraft, which is enough to comfortably satisfy 6 players at any one time (we've never been more than 6 on the server at any one time anyways).
There is NO cap on how manny can join, so we could quite easily get 10 player on at same time, but it may start to lag abit.
The main thing is i'll be able to update it as soon as updates come out, and it will auto restart if it crashes.
Haematite and myself will split the cost 50 50 but if you want to donate the odd penny to teh cause, my paypal is [email protected]
I will probably set up a whitelist so we dont get griefers.
Any questions, pm away.
Oh and Gorman, dont worry, ill still all-hail you upon arrival Oh and, when you're better and back in work, we will need teh most up-to-date minecraft map.
and... ANOTHER edit...
That $9.60 one is out of stock, so we'll be going for the UK one, same RAM and everything, $13/month
~~~Latest News~~~
Server bought, turns out they dont use the OpenVC one anymore as its a bit slower, so we have a Xen for the same price of $13 (would have been $15) same 512MB of RAM, etc etc, and we can download the map for backups.
Paid for it, just awaiting updated map from Gorman now We will probably white-list so I can just dish out the IP on the forums and it will be a 'PM to add' policy.
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